This small island in the Tasman Sea provides some of the most spectacular dive sites in the world. Home to the worlds most southern coral reefs and a mixture of temperate, subtropical, and tropical marine species unique to this part of the world. Simply put, there's no place quite like Lord Howe Island.
With over 100 dive sites there's just too much to cover, however below is a small overview of some of the main areas to give you an idea of what you can expect when you visit this extraordinary part of the world
The Lagoon
The tranquil turquoise waters of the lagoon are perfect for divers and snorkelers of all levels. With an abundance of marine life and the highest diversity of coral species in the Lord Howe Island group, these sites are a favourite of underwater photographers. The depth within the lagoon range from 5-10 metres
The Fringing Reef
Lord Howe Island's fringing reef provides a stunning reef structure with caverns, swim-throughs, and gutters caused by ancient spur and groove formations. Providing highly photogenic and mesmerizing scenes, depths along The fringing reef range from 12-25 metres.

Admiralty Islands
This group of volcanic formations is home to over 30 dive sites with a variety of terrain from large pinnacles and boulders to coral walls and caves. The Admiralty Islands is perfect for divers of all levels, and snorkelers looking for a more adventurous site. If you're after schools of pelagic fish, beautiful fields of soft coral with crystal clear water this is the place to be. Depths around the Admiralty Islands range from 15-40 metres.
The Relict Reef
The former barrier reef of Lord Howe Island, or relict reef, is home to the islands most prehistoric sites with deep trenches, pinnacles, and lava tubes, we guarantee you've never dived a place like it. Sites on the relict reef are for the more advanced diver with depths ranging from 25-40+ metres.
Ball's Pyramid
The dive sites of this volcanic stack are among the most pristine and untouched in the world. For more information on diving this truly remarkable place click here.