Pro Dive Lord Howe Island has opened its PADI Divemaster Internship program to applications for the season of 2015-2016.
The positions available are:
One position from 18th Sep 2015 - 31st Jan 2016
Two positions from 1st Feb 2016 - 31st May 2016
The successful candidates should be passionate about the environment, physically fit and have a friendly disposition.
Pre requisites are:
- Open Water SCUBA Certification
- Drivers Licence
- Boating experience preferred
- CPR and Senior First Aid preferred
The positions are unpaid, with most expenses included. Inclusions are:
- Return flights from Sydney or Brisbane
- Transfers to and from Lord Howe Island Airport
- Accommodation on Lord Howe Island
- All certifications to PADI Divemaster
- All tuition, training, guidance and support
- Boat and shore dives
- Use of dive equipment
- Pro Dive Lord Howe Island uniform
If you are interested in applying, please do the following:
- Right click on the below Application Form
- Print the Application Form and complete
- Email your completed Application Form along with your Resume to
- Applications are due by close of business on Friday 3rd July 2015
We look forward to receiving your applications.
Cheers, Aaron and Lisa